Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I thank God in all my remembrance of you...

When I was six years old, and my family had just moved to California from Colorado God was gracious enough to ordain for me to be in the same dance class as two very sweet sisters. Though we were only six so our ballet skills weren't much we became friends, danced at our recital to the "Under the Sea" song from The Little Mermaid, and I invited those two sisters to my 7th birthday party. They came to my birthday party, but after that they stopped danced and we lost touch for about 4 years. When I was 11 I started skiing every friday during the winter with a homeschool skiing group. Again, God so graciously ordained for those two sweet sisters to come back into my life. Through skiing, and having mutual friends we started to hang out, and became almost inseperable. I love recalling those memories just because I see God at work, His sovereign perfect plan placing those two girls in my life who God used to help lead me to Christ.

All my best memories from the ages of 13 to 16 include these two girls. I praise God for the friendship they gave, and they way God eventually used them to bring me to Christ. I especially praise God for Abby, the younger of the two sisters. Her friendship to me is so special, God used her so much over the years of our friendship to make me realize my need for a Savior, and she was there the night I was saved. She has been with me through so much; good, bad, silly, adventurous. We've seen the best and the worst of eachother, and I praise God that we have remained friends through it all. She is such an encouragement to me, and I will continually remember and praise God for her all my life. She has been a faithful encourager and servant of the Lord. Praise God! I just wanted to write something on here and dedicate it to her because the Lord has used her so much in my life. Thank you Abby for your friendship, and encouragement as a sister in Christ. I praise God for you, for the way He has used you so many ways in my life, for the continual encouragement you give and for the work He continues to do in your own life. It's incredible. God is so awesome in the way He uses people, and continues to sanctify them. Praise God for friends whom He uses in amazing ways in our lives.

"I thank God in all my remembrance of you"
- Philippians 1:3

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."
-Hebrews 3:13

1 comment:

  1. You ladies are so sweet! I can't help but rejoice over you both!
